Ever walked around a 2011 highschool, or even middle school, and listened to the way students talk to each other? No? Don't do it, I'd be embarrassed.
The way kids my age speak to eachother now a'days is sickening. I remember my mom always telling me how producers of TV shows weren't allowed to even film a scene in a bathroom because it was impolite. Today, almost all of the vocabulary used belongs in the toilet. No one ever stops and to think about what they're about to say before they say it. No one listens to the way people speak to eachother, or how they might come across to others. The saying "Don't care what others think about you" is true, but you should care when you start to sound a bit...trashy. Dropping an "f-bomb" after every other word doesn't make you sound cool. I wish that when teenagers my age, younger and older, heard this that they did not just agree and then fall back into their bad habits again after a month.
I always thought that by not using a vile vocabulary, I would sound polite and respectful. Although, it seems, those who are respectful aren't very respected. It sickens me to the core, knowing that the way people talk with the vocabulary they do is becoming more and more acceptable in our society. I always cringe when I hear today's modern language on TV. Don't people have any respect for themselves? I'm not here to generalize teenagers, because I am one. Yes, I do slip up every once and a while and say something I shouldn't have, but thats because it's all around me, all the time. These words are constantly used, teenagers are the masters of this new found language, cussing is their art form. Reading renaissance books in history actually has me thinking for once...men used to great women with a "Hello my lady. How t'was your day?". Now it's "Hey, b*****s! Any sh*t go down today?" Repulsive.
What ever happened to chivalry? Maybe it's not dead, but it sure is heading into a long, drawn out, and torturous death.